Assalamualaikum WBT. We Glorify Allah SWT and ask blessings and salutations of peace for the Last Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h).
Alhamdulillah, 3-day UTP-JAKIM event starting from 17 Feb 2011 to 19 Feb 2011 had successfully done which ended last Saturday (19 Feb 2011). First of all, on behalf of Rakan Masjid UTP, I would like to thank to everybody that have contributed a lot in making the event success. It was conducted in UTP for the first time and it was a huge success. A few sub-events were :
1. Recording of Persada Jurnal TV program.
2. Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam (Recording and Live broad cast)
3. Live broad cast of Jumaat Prayer
4. Recording of Ta'alim
5. Intellectual Discourse for International Students : The Transformation of Ummah
A lot of students came for both the English and Malay 'Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam' and other sub-events which indicates how UTP students show their support to UTP programs and also shows the maturity of students to have such intellectual events and culture in UTP. Big credits should be given also to the direct contributer of the events , the Student Representative Council UTP, UTP Residential College Support Unit and International Student Council UTP without neglecting the contribution of other student bodies and clubs. These Student Bodies were actively involved by assuring the smoothness of the events. Thanks also to the Management of UTP especiallyMosque Administration Unit and Corporate Service by hosting such event which gave a new dimension and perception to UTP. There were a lot of things we learned from you. Thanks also for offering RM UTP and others to help you and we are proud to have such trust and feel free to be consulted. We also apologize if any of our action resulted in unpleased of students and UTP management.
Finally, "please helping each other in the (only) virtue and piety, and do not please helping each other in sin and enmity (Al-Maidah: 2) ".
Credited to :
extract from : email in an-nasru ilal huda google group on 23 Feb 2011
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